For sure, Dr Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a mind-blowing book that details vital secrets of how people can understand the unconscious mind, how it works and the power it has in steering their lives. In simple friendly language, the author has explained different techniques that lead to success in life, cure mental illnesses, generate wealth, fix marital problems, and create a harmonious human relationship, among other helpful insights. He cites examples of true life-based stories of how patients changed their lives by using the concepts and techniques that he has highlighted. I especially liked the practical methodology he uses of affirmation of what one wants before going to be. The does miracles as the unconscious mind takes in whatever is fed from the conscious mind.
Main Themes of Dr Joseph Murphy’s Book, the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Interestingly, it does not matter what we think, whether good constructive ideas or bad destructive ideas, the subconscious mind will take it all in and act accordingly. It can be likened to the soil, it does not matter what the farmer plants, whether wheat or dandelion, it will grow all the same and the farmer will reap the harvest of either. This is why it’s of paramount importance to think good thoughts about ourselves and consequently of other people as this is what will unfold in our lives and affect our relationships. He says, ‘Your subconscious mind may be likened to the soil, which will grow all kinds of seeds, good or bad. Do men gather grapes of thorns, figs or thistle? Every thought is, therefore, a cause, and every condition is an effect. For this reason, it is essential that you take charge of your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.’
There is a reason why we do not attain our goals and successes in life, this is because of something we call a contradiction. What do I mean by this? We think contrary thoughts of what we want in our lives and worse off we do this at the same time when we are pursuing our goals and desires. For instance, you may want to get a promotion at work, and you keep thinking and dreaming about it, but it never comes. Why you may wonder? The reason is very simple. When you think about how great it would be to be promoted, you also think and compare yourself with your colleagues who you think are better than you, more qualified and worthy of the promotion. This becomes the dominant idea in your conscious mind and overshadows your desire to get the promotion. This thought is transmuted once it’s transferred into the subconscious mind and it becomes your reality.
Remember it does not matter what you think, your subconscious mind will obey what you give it, therefore, the dominant idea overtakes your entire mind and you do not get the promotion.
Is there a relationship between what you think and what comes to pass? The answer is a loud yes! What you think is what you attract and act on, and eventually, it becomes! If you wish to become a great man in your career, you will achieve this feat, nonetheless, you must play your part and be patient. Patience is the golden key to everything in life. You must not be hasty, just know everything that needs to happen will happen. Do your part and wait for the results, they will come to pass.
What is the subconscious mind? It is the thing that makes your body moves without you knowing it, unconsciously. It is the energy that fuels all your body functions without your input or control. It is the infinite intelligence that drives everything in your life. ‘Over 90 per cent of your mental life is subconscious, so men and women who fail to make use of this marvellous power live within very narrow limits.
‘Your subconscious processes are always lifeward and constructive. Your subconscious is the builder of your body and maintains all its vital functions. It is on the job 24 hours a day and never sleeps. It is always trying to help and preserve you from harm.’
What propels the subconscious mind to deliver what you crave in your life? The simple answer is your imagination. For you to attain your whims, you must have a creative imagination that is not bridled by anything, neither emotions nor thoughts. You must allow your imagination to explore the depths of your soul. What you imagine will eventually come to pass. Imaginations and dreams work hand in hand. If you imagine being wealthy and dream of it every turn of the hour, your actions will be bent on this and it will be the primordial cause of attaining wealth. You will slowly find yourself a wealthy man. This is a law that cannot be broken or changed.
Sleep is crucial for your subconscious mind to work. The author cites that we need plenty of rest so that our subconscious mind can work. Therefore, it is paramount for us to think and imagine attaining our wants and desires before we retire to bed. We need to say to ourselves and affirm what we want verbally before closing our eyes into slumberland. What this does is that our thoughts are fed into the subconscious mind, and as we sleep and dream, all our wishes are focused by the infinite intelligence and they come to pass.
Dr Murphy’s book, the Power of your Subconscious Mind is a book worth reading. I would highly recommend it to everyone as it has life-changing concepts and techniques that have proven to work for millions of people from his examples and also I find it very practical and useful.